Those customers will then help themselves, meaning Flo doesn't need to take their order. Besides needing to be refilled, customers who want to visit the salad bar must be dragged to it. A third new item is the addition of a salad bar to some of the restaurants. Each of these elements requires Flo to secure tablecloths, put up umbrellas, or find Hal to help her fix things that are broken. Another new gameplay feature is the presence of weather (rain and wind) and broken fire hydrants and switchboxes. A new addition to the gameplay is the presence of "townies." These are people who happen to be in the neighborhood of the restaurant and can be added to parties waiting in line to earn a bonus. The game plays the same as its predecessors, including seating and chaining bonuses, snacks, and various customer types, including four new ones. Flo's loyal customer, Hal the handyman, volunteers to help her rebuild, and in order to get the money to accomplish this task Flo takes "the food to the people" by setting up makeshift restaurants in various outdoor settings throughout DinerTown. After a certain point, the game may spawn a massive amount of customers in the line.The premise for Boom has Flo's Diner bursting from a massive influx of customers. Similar to Diner Dash, though the player will always start off with three seats and basic essentials like a single drink machine, meat grinder, etc.

Since then it has continued to appear in many of the main and spin-off Dash titles. Endless Shift was made available alongside Flo's Career in the very first Diner Dash.