set, is a truly great one that tackles the rarest and no question bravest of topics - looking for real information on what our government is doing wrong (so we can make things better) that is not hidden by it and their two lapdog corporate/capitalist political parties. quite a daunting project, this book and film set, a precursor to jeremy scahill's dirty wars set and oliver stone's untold history of the u.s. John milton 1642's quote "they who have put out the people's eyes reproach them for their blindness" perfectly begins this great book which ties together quotes from a lot of chomsky books with issues of US media access and getting past propaganda to facts. Fritz Bolkestein Former Dutch Minister of Defense. Peter Worthington Editor, The Ottawa Sun. Meyer Editorial Writer, The New York Times. And the Elusive Connection to his Politics. "Sports Rap with Noam Chomsky." A Cabal of Anti-Conspiricists. "An intellectually challenging crash course in the man's cooly contentious analysis, laying out his thoughts in a package that is clever and accessible."- Los Angeles Times "One of our real geniuses, an excellent introduction."- Village Voice "You will see the whole sweep of the most challenging critic in modern political thought."- Boston Globe "A juicily subversive biographical/philosophical documentary bristling and buzzing with ideas."- Washington Post He has worked as editor, researcher and production coordinator. Mark Achbar has applied a wide range of creative abilities and technical skills to over 50 films, videos, and books.

Also included are exchanges between Chomsky and his critics, historical and biographical material, filmmakers' notes, a resource guide, more than 270 stills from the film and 18 "Philosopher All-Stars" Trading Cards! Manufacturing Consent Noam Chomsky and the Media, the companion book to the award-winning film, charts the life of America's most famous dissident, from his boyhood days running his uncle's newsstand in Manhattan to his current role as outspoken social critic.Ī complete transcript of the film is complemented by key excerpts from the writings, interviews and correspondence.